---> AUGUST 14, 2009

Good news for those of you who live in L.A.! The Immaculate Conception of Little Dizzle is showing Wed., Aug. 19, at 7:30 P.M. at the Downtown Film Festival. Marshall Allman, Tania Raymonde, Agatha Nowicki and Vince Vieluf will participate in the post-screening Q&A, along with editor Billy McMillin. Little Dizzle won raves in the Pacific Northwest, on the East Coast, in the Midwest, and in Canada. David Russo won the “Best Directing” jury award for “Dizzle” at the Fantasia Film Festival, Montreal.

The Downtown Film Festival is at the AT&T Center, 1150 South Olive (between 11th & 12th). Purchase tickets by clicking on the film title at http://www.dffla.com/muse-fiercelyindependent.php.

Click here for all press reviews: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Immaculate-Conception-of-Little-Dizzle/67518538435?v=wall&viewas=0.

Also, Winged Creatures has been released on DVD under the title Fragments. You may be able to rent it at a video store but it definitely is available for purchase at Amazon.


---> MAY 23, 2009

Check out this review of the movie Anytown: http://www.variety.com/review/VE1117940050.html?categoryid1&cs=1/ and another review of The Immaculate Conception of Little Dizzle: http://www.pastemagazine.com/blogs/festivus/2009/02/sundance-2009-film-round-up.html. Little Dizzle is showing today and tomorrow at the Seattle Film Festival. Can't wait to read the reviews!


---> APRIL 12, 2009

I know it's been way too long since I last posted an update ... thanks to those of you who sent information on the final episode of Prison Break. Apparently, they changed their minds about having Marshall in the final episode. Read below and check out the TV Guide clip:

In the latest edition of the Mega Minute, Matt Mitovich chats about who will and will NOT be in the Prison Break series finale … “Well, unfortunately I’m hearing that as logical as LJ’s return would be, especially since the series finale will flash forward four years to show us who ended up where and with whom, it is unlikely that we’ll get reacquainted with Lincoln’s son. But maybe this will unset any unhappiness. We will see sexy Sophia!“ Source: http://www.prisonbreakbuff.com/2009/03/24/who-will-be-in-the-series-finale/

On a brighter note, I was able to attend the South By Southwest Film Festival in Austin, Texas, and saw "THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF LITTLE DIZZLE". The movie was awesome and Marshall was fantastic as Dory. "Little Dizzle" will ALSO be SHOWING April 17 in Tallahassee, April 28 in Minneapolis-St.Paul, April 29 in Portland and May 2, May 6 in San Francisco. For details, check out http://www.littledizzlefilm.com/ and click on "screenings". There is also a great trailer for "Little Dizzle" at this website.

For those of you who really want to learn more about Marshall and his acting, there is a great audio INTERVIEW with him at this website: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=102321606/. Another interview starts playing, but just page down 4 times to larry-411's interests and click on track 4 which is the interview with Marshall.

I hesitate to include this video interview as the language is R-rated, but it is also very funny. The interview is with Marshall, Vince Vieluf, and Tania Raymonde at South By Southwest. Page down to the second picture of Marshall and click on the arrow. Check it out: http://wearemoviegeeks.com/2009/03/sxsw-interview-cast-of-immaculate-conception-of-little-dizzle/

Marshall was also interviewed on April 1 by The Bible Answer Man, Hank Hanegraaff. Listen to excerpts of Marshall playing Paul from the audio Bible "The Word of Promise" and to the interview Click here. Marshall speaks starting at minutes 22 and 40 but it is best to listen to all of it in order to fully understand.


---> FEBRUARY 21, 2009

The Immaculate Conception of Little Dizzle and Marshall got great reviews at Sundance. Check out these two reviews: http://www.filmarcade.net/2009/01/sundance-2009-immaculate-conception-of.html and http://mdunaway.wordpress.com/2009/02/08/sundance-narrative-film-roundup-for-paste-magazine/.
Little Dizzle is also showing at the South By Southwest Film Festival in Austin, Texas. For all you fans in Austin, check out the schedule at this website: http://sxsw.com/film/screenings/schedule/?a=show&s=F16610.


---> DECEMBER 14, 2008

I found some more information on The Immaculate Conception of Little Dizzle
at this website:
Check out the photo of Marshall there.

Also, Marshall had a guest star on Life on NBC in the episode called Canyon
You can watch it online at http://www.nbc.com/Life/video/episodes/#vid=873362.
Wait for the NBC logo and a commercial, then the show will start with some
brief commercial stops.